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Grade 3 Plan de estudio

Give your third grader a digital advantage with our curriculum, focused on boosting typing speed, understanding digital citizenship, and expanding language arts skills, all tailored to meet critical learning standards.

We held a competition. Students' WPM went from 20's to 60's in some cases! The kids loved it!
District Instructional Technologist
Alicia J.

Curriculum Overview

Our 3rd grade curriculum is designed to enhance typing speed and precision through interesting typing lessons. Digital citizenship modules also form a core part of the year's learning, instilling smart and responsible online behaviors. This comprehensive approach ensures we're meeting essential learning standards for third graders.

Currículo Motivador

Currículo Motivador

Los estudiantes aprenden valiosos fundamentos de tecnología, diseñados por expertos para estudiantes de todos los niveles.

Aprendizaje Basado En Juegos

Aprendizaje Basado En Juegos

Involucre a los estudiantes con divertidos juegos de tecleo, lecciones interactivas y logros.

Hazlo Tuyo

Hazlo Tuyo

Mejore el aprendizaje creando sus propias lecciones para el refuerzo de currículos

Standardized Test Prep Solution

Standardized Test Prep Solution

Prepare your students for standardized testing with free response typing lessons.

Correlación de estándares

See how meets your state or federal standards for typing & technology

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How will the 3rd grade curriculum help prepare my students for future academic and professional endeavors?
Are the lessons in the 3rd grade curriculum interactive and engaging?
How do I get started with the 3rd grade curriculum?
Can my students repeat lessons or exercises in the 3rd grade curriculum?
Is the 3rd grade curriculum aligned with Common Core Standards?


With gamified learning and adaptive reinforcement lessons, students are excited about learning to type.
Try our Grade 3 Curriculum


Prepare your students with effective keyboarding lessons that are easy to set up and engaging to use.
Sign Up for the Instructor Portal


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