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Comprehensive Admin Tools for Instructors, Schools and Districts

K-12 grade-based curriculum within a single school or across an entire district.

  • Standards Aligned

  • SSO and SIS Integrations

  • Content Creation

  • Comprehensive Reports

One of the better typing curricula out there. has clear, extensive instruction, entertaining practice, and plenty of trackable metrics.
Schools and Districts

Keyboarding and Digital Literacy Curriculum Designed to Prepare Students for Their Future

Built by experts on the latest technology to grow your students’ keyboarding skills—year after year—so all your kids have a pathway towards the future.



Meet expectations of board and state for student success

Easily track and align the progress of multiple schools, classrooms, and students to state and national standards (including ISTE and the Common Core). Understand efficacy with robust, real-time reporting.

Unified high-level data that provides direction

Important insights on identified needs help you design curriculums that increase engagement long-term—even if your stakeholders aren’t unified in the same school or district. data follows each student no matter where they go.



Dedicated implementation support for smooth transition

It’s essential to meet the needs of your teachers—especially around new technology. offers video tutorials and detailed support documentation to help teachers understand features, functionality, and best practise.

Student-led instruction inspires the love of learning

Adaptive Grade-based education plans fully engage individual students to learn at their own pace. Keep classrooms on track with timed tests, goal tracking, and automatic grading and reporting.



Engage parents with their child’s learning

Individual reports and achievement certificates let you share student successes with their parents as they earn them—and have the correct data for meaningful conversations.

Information that unites everyone around success

Encouraging growth starts with information. Share performance and progress with everyone involved in your students’ education to build a robust and unified approach.



Tools to develop effective technique for exams

Students build invaluable muscle memory using proven methods that take them gradually through proper finger placement. When they can type as fast as they think, nothing can hold them back on standardised tests.

Adaptive reinforcement ensures keyboarding success

Students learn to type the right way, at their own pace. With gamified learning and adaptive reinforcement lessons to practise specific problematic keys, students will confident and excited about learning to type.

Considering for Your Entire District?

At IDEA Public Schools, scholars engage with technology... literacy skills such as typing, technology readiness, career prep, and coding basics will prepare students for college and beyond... Through cross-curricular content connections, scholars benefit from opportunities to practise critical digital literacy skills in and outside the core subject classrooms.
IDEA Public Schools aims to grant access to all students to prepare for success in college, career, and a technology-centred world.
Agustin Cantu
Agustin Cantu
Individualised Learning Programme Manager – Math & Tech Literacy

Seamlessly Sign-on
With SSO and One Roster Support

Google Classroom
Google Classroom
Microsoft Education
Microsoft Education

Generate a Price Quote

Deliver more simplicity and organisation to your district. Get the most out of!

FREE Edition

  • Grade-based lessons, tests, and games
  • 70 day data retention
  • Yes
  • Classroom level settings only
  • Email only support

PLUS Edition

  • 100% Ad-free
  • Test prep, creative writing and coding units
  • Unlimited data retention
  • Classroom and student settings
  • Clever Secure Sync or Classlink Rostering
  • Assign lessons, tests and games
  • Dedicated account management
  • Live student activity and progress
  • Auto grading thresholds
  • Customised benchmarking
  • Daily practise time goals
  • Priority phone and email support

Grade-based Adaptive Curriculum

Our curriculum is tailored to each grade level, and aligned with state, ISTE, and Common Core standards. We provide fun, engaging and effective lessons in digital literacy and cyber safety, along with an introduction to coding, to equip students with essential skills for their future in an increasingly digital world.