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Enhancements to Reports: Clearer, More Intuitive, and User-Friendly

Enhancements to Reports: Clearer, More Intuitive, and User-Friendly

August 9, 2024

We've made a series of improvements to our Reports feature, designed to make your experience smoother and more informative. These updates focus on clarity, usability, and providing you with more context at every step.

So What’s Changed?

Improved Filtering and Sorting

  • Active Filters Display: You'll now see a clear summary of your active filters, like "Filter: Class, Curriculum, +1".

Active Filter Image

  • Date Context: When using the Date filter, the current date range is always visible.

Date Context Image

  • Simplified Column Sorting: We've removed the confusing "third state" of column sorting, making it a simple toggle between ascending and descending order.

Enhanced User Interface

  • Clearer Action States: The Reset and Apply buttons in the filter dropdown are now visibly disabled when no changes have been made.

Clear Action States

  • Apply Button for Date Ranges: Setting a custom date range now requires you to click 'Apply', making it clear when changes take effect.

Apply Button Image

  • In-Report Descriptions: You can now see descriptions of each report type within the report itself, not just on the listing page.

In-Report Image

Improved Data Display

  • Default Sorting: Tables now default to sorting by last name when first loaded.

  • Comprehensive Student Info: Both student names and usernames are displayed when available.

Student Info Image

  • Fixed Linking: We've restored the ability to drill down into specific student, class, or school data from report tables.

How Does It Work?

These improvements are now integrated into the Reports feature. You'll notice them as you navigate through different reports and use various filtering and sorting options.

Where Can I Find It?

All these enhancements are available in the Reports section of your Teacher Portal. Simply log in and navigate to the Reports area to experience these improvements.

How Does It Help Me?

These updates are designed to:

  • Save you time: With clearer filtering and sorting options, you can find the information you need more quickly.

  • Reduce confusion: Improved visual cues and clearer action states help you understand exactly what you're viewing and how to adjust it.

  • Provide more context: With in-report descriptions and always-visible date ranges, you have more information at your fingertips.

  • Enhance data exploration: Improved linking and drilling down capabilities allow for more in-depth analysis of your data.

We're excited about these improvements and hope they make your reporting experience even better. Have you noticed the difference? We'd love to hear your feedback!