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Introducing PLUS

Introducing PLUS

8 de enero de 2024

We're excited to announce that Premium has been renamed to PLUS!

PLUS image

What's Changed?

  • The name: Premium is now PLUS

That's it!

What Hasn't Changed?

All the great features you know and love are still included in PLUS:

  • Test prep, creative writing, and coding units

  • Unlimited data retention

  • 100% Ad-free experience

  • Classroom and student settings

  • Ability to assign lessons, tests, and games

  • Dedicated account management

  • Live student activity and progress tracking

  • Auto grading thresholds

  • Customized benchmarking

  • Daily practice time goals

  • Priority phone and email support

This rebranding is part of our ongoing efforts to improve and clarify our offerings. While the name has changed, the high-quality service and comprehensive features you've come to expect remain the same.

Thank you for being a valued member of the community. If you have any questions about PLUS or its features, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected].

Happy typing!