About the Author

Colin Spence

Student premium now only $7.99

Student premium accounts now only $7.99!

In light of COVID-19 the world has transitioned from in-person classrooms to a remote learning environment. At Typing.com, we know how important foundational technical skills are for navigating this new reality, and so the ability to type is more important than ever. We’re committed to providing the best platform for students to learn these skills with a world-class keyboarding, technical readiness, and career preparation curriculum.

So we’re excited to announce a dramatic price reduction for student premium accounts on Typing.com! Starting today, the price for individual student upgrades has been reduced from $34.95 down to $7.99. While our curriculum will always be free, our premium membership offers students an ad-free experience.

To learn more about upgrading your account please visit Typing.com.

Also, if you’re a teacher or administrator we have bulk pricing options for classrooms, schools and districts available!

Typing.com - New feature: assignments

New Feature: Assignments! (and much more)

Amidst the disruption and uncertainty related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Typing.com knows how important online education is. As always, we’re committed to providing the best free platform for students to learn foundational technology skills. To make that easier to do in a distance-learning environment, we’ve just released some new features that will make it easier to assign, track and grade work done on Typing.com. Teachers can now assign a scope of work that appears directly on their student’s Typing.com dashboards! Let’s dive into the details…


New on Typing.com: Self-join improvments

New on Typing.com: Self-Join Improvements

Hey Teachers! Classroom management just got a whole lot easier! Self-join links are a great way to add students to your classes on typing.com, and now they’re even easier to use.  🎉 Watch the video below to see a quick preview of our new feature in action, or check out the highlights listed below.


Improved Visibility

We wanted to make the self-join link much more visible, so you can now find it just below the class name on your class’s page.

self-join link location


Self-Join Signup and Login

New students can signup on the join link page, but we’ve added a new feature, so now existing students can join your class simply by clicking the “Join with Login!” button and logging in.

join with login


Approving/Rejecting Join Requests

When a student requests to join your class, you’ll receive a little notification next to your “Classes” link in your navigation at the top of the screen.

students requesting to join notifications

Unfortunately, there have been a few situations where students have typed in random self-join links and joined other teacher’s classes 🤪. We put an end to this by allowing teachers the ability to approve/reject all students who are requesting to join their class.

students requesting to join table


Editing Self-Join Links

Editing your self-join links is simple! In Class Settings (click the pencil icon next to your class), you’ll see a Self-Join Link section where you can update your self-join code to something simple for your students to type. If you want to disable a self-join code, simply remove the text in the self-join code input field, so that the field is blank and save your changes.


That’s it!

We hope these update make the self-join links even more useful, and easy to use. We’d love to hear your feedback! Contact us at www.typing.com/support.